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jumps in quality

first off, you have a great grasp of flash and you are obviously a very good artist. However, a good artist =/= automatically equal a good animator. While all of your characters felt like they had weight and volume (they felt real), they moved kind of stiffly and it felt very off, like an uncanny valley effect. You were close but you were in the valley and so the animation was slightly painful to watch for me just because of the irritating nature of being so close to awesome. I'm saying that your motion needs words and make your movement less jittery. Other than that you are golden my good man.

as far as the story goes, it was simple yet fell into cliches and didn't explain things very well. You are relying to much on your audiences willing suspension of disbelief, as in, you're leaving to much up to them to just go "ok well I guess that makes sense".

one last thing, it seemed like the movie's quality of animation jumped at times, going from being very disneylike(fluid and motion focused) to very anime like (keyframes and pose focused with minimal in betweens). That actually made my head hurt from the transition, I'm not saying either of those styles are bad, I'm just saying you need to stay consistent. Look at the old Looney Tunes, they sacrificed detail for fluidity and poses, anime sacrifices fluidity (keyframes) for detail and poses (or any other manner of match up depending on series).

other than those few gripes, I enjoyed it. Good job and I hope you keep animating.

Kaloian responds:

I totally agree with the story comment but I didn't want it to be all exposition because it would be too boring and frankly too much work as the animation would be incredibly long. The animation jumps like that because i had to prioritize scenes to get it 'done" and to do that I animated things to a certain degree and finished off the more important/ cooler scents this left me in a "that looks done" stage and so it is what it is now. I personally think the film could be livelier as they tend to stick to certain poses which makes it very "cut out animation" which it isn't. But thanks for the comments and that was actually a lot of help, thanks.

slightly better than what I would expect

so I came into this video with no real expectations, the artstyle at the beginning reminded me of Kirbopher's work, however, other than the fact that you did the animation really nicely, there wasn't anything particularly impressive or memorable about this intro. I've seen many an intro that captures my attention quite nicely, this one didn't. It was one of those things where I wanted to love it. The animation was better than average and the music was good, but the scenes were just copy paste Japanimation cop outs with very little originality. I swear I've seen every pose and every scene in another anime before. The eyes opening were cliche, the villains look like a bunch of doofuses and the protagonists look like your typical cast of mainstream anime rejects/15 year old guys OC's that you find on Deviant Art. The main character was the only person who looked vaguely interesting and I'm pretty sure I can glean exactly who the other characters are just from my personal experience with anime. Also, that whole "anime inspired" thing is good, but not when there's so much "inspiration" pumped into the video it's practically a bad clone of the thing you've been inspired by. I have no problem with the anime inspired stuff, look at ben 10 and Avatar, those have great looks, it's just this style says "bad copy" and not "inspired by"

However, for all the shortcomings I see in this animation. I like it. I wish the best of luck to you, and I hope to see more of the series soon. But please, get rid of the Japanese one the end of the characters names, it just cheapens an otherwise decent animation and adds to the "copy" feel.

a load bar would have been nice

but other than that, the animation was pretty solid man. Keep up the good work. There isn't much I can critique here. It was pretty well done.

Recent Game Reviews

5 Game Reviews


Like Malkontent said, This game had the potential to be a lot more than it was.

I liked the music, aesthetic and the characters.

Wasn't too crazy about the voice acting or the plot,

the controls were just terrible and the enemies and challenges tended to repeat themselves... also, the fact you had to start the level over again when you died... but then again the levels were short so I suppose it balances out.

This game is good, but that's all it is just good. It isn't great and it isn't bad, I can't really say I didn't enjoy it, at times it reminded me of some of the old NES games I used to play in which you had to restart a level if you missed a single jump and I like that, nostalgia is good, but it is also annoying.

but overall I liked this game.

screw PETA! awesome game though

This game is awesome! It was clever and whitty and really great!

but honestly PETA can burn in hell for all I care, what are we suppose to do? not eat any meat? or are we suppose to tear down all the chicken and turkey farms? they are animals, if they live or die nobody cares, we eat 1000s every day and millions a year. It's just how things work.

Also for those of you who don't know PETA people are insane and think that animals should be treated exactly like humans...

teh point

honestly the animation and music were the only thing good about this... I don't get the point of this game...

but still the animation was great.

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Hot AF

God damn, these would look cool animated! I love how angular yet soft the style is.


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